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Monday, 26 January 2015

Whatsapp Now Available on Computer

Whatsapp Now Available on Computer and How To Use Whatsapp On Computer

Whatsapp is one of the most popular instant messaging app. Many of us are
using it. I’m also using this app. It’s available in Android, iOS,Windows,Phone,Symbian,Blackberry etc. That means it’s available almost in every
popular platform. But the another wonderful news is ‘Now users can use whatsapp by web browsers in PC’. Hopefully, it’s a great news. But this feature is only available for Google Chrome browser. Later you can use whatsapp on other browsers. Anyway, today i will discuss how to use
Whatsapp on google chrome browser.

Use Whatsapp On Google Chrome:
First of all you should know what will need to use whatsapp on Google Chrome.
1. You should have latest version Whatsapp intsalled in your smartphone or Tab.
2. Google Chrome Browser must be installed in your PC.
3. The most important thing is internet connection in your PC & Smartphone/Tab.

Step 1: First of all open your google chrome browser from your PC. Then Click Here or go to this URL
Step 2: Now you will see a screen like the picture given below. There you will get a QR code. Now open whatsapp on your mobile/tab.
Step 3: Now open menu. There you will see broadcast lists, archived chats, whatsapp web, setting etc. You need to tap/click on Whatsapp Web.
If you don’t see whatsapp Web in your menu. Then you must update your Whatsapp.
Step 3: After clicking /taping on whatsapp web, QR scanner will be opened in in your mobile. You just need to focus your camera lens on the QR code of in your Google Chrome browser.
Step 4: You have done everything. Now wait for a few seconds. You will be logged in automatically. Now start using whatsapp on Google Chrome
browser in your PC.
If you have any question, ask by comment.

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